Housing associations | Knowledge system & Forms server

Whether a tenant wants to arrange his affairs via the website or by telephone, good customer contact is crucial. Tenants and customer contact employees must have access to the correct information quickly. Seneca has linked its renewed Knowledge System and Forms Server to Aareon's Fox Contact system, so that the tenant really feels connected to the corporation.

Vijf daken van rijtjeshuizen

Thanks to the link, housing associations do not have to request more information than is strictly necessary. Tenants are identified on the phone using Aareon's Fox Contact. With Seneca's Knowledge System, customer contact agents then know exactly what to say and what to do for each topic of conversation. For example, they start online forms that are pre-filled with the information available within the corporation.

Huurders die acties willen uitvoeren vanuit het klantenportaal zijn geïdentificeerd tijdens het inlogproces. De huurder kan dan ook zelf een online formulier starten om een actie uit te voeren. De online formulieren zijn uiteraard ook vooringevuld en toegesneden op de persoonlijke situatie.

Online forms know the way

Ultimately, it does not matter whether a tenant arranges his own affairs on the customer portal or contacts a helpdesk employee by telephone. Online forms ensure that all necessary information is requested, stored and processed according to a fixed standard.

The form manager of the corporation has assigned a task type, task area and role to each (self-designed) form that he links to Aareon AX. By combining this data with the information that the tenant or customer contact employee enters, the form is able to automatically start an activity in AX without manual intervention. A request is automatically brought to the attention of the right employee in the right way.

The human actions in the administrative process are significantly reduced with the extensive integration between AX, the Knowledge System and the Forms Server. This prevents errors and there is more time and attention for the actual contact with the tenant.

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