Welcome to Seneca

Online software for the optimal customer journey

We see every person who contacts your organization as a customer. A customer on a journey. To find and provide information, but also to be heard. Because it's not just about the destination, but also about the fantastic journey there.

That is why we make creatieve websites and powerful web applications with which you reach, touch and involve customers.

Software you must SEE!

Get to know the extensive possibilities of our modular software for your organization. Request a demonstration without obligation!

We discuss your communication plan, give you insight into it our products and provide you with appropriate advice without obligation.

Sfeerbeeld laptop en telefoon met tekst Demo


Have you seen it yet? Our website has been renewed!

3/31/2021 - On Seneca.nl, we bring all our products and services to the attention in a clear and unambiguous manner.

Seneca will move to Rijswijk-zuid in mid-November!

Sfeerafbeelding met verhuisdozen

11/5/2020 - As of November 16, Seneca will move to another business premises.

Digital accessibility: obligation and relief

Sfeerafbeelding van bril op toetsenbord

6/19/2020 - From September 23, 2020, Digital Accessibility Decree is mandatory

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